Welcome to the IAMAW Local Lodge 850 Webpage

Uniting Workers, Strengthening Communities

We are proud to serve our members and the community, advocating for fair labor practices and fostering solidarity among our workforce. Together, we strive for excellence in all aspects of our work, ensuring the rights and well-being of our members are upheld. Explore our website to learn more about our union’s mission, events, and resources. Thank you for being a part of our union family!

Next Lodge Meeting: May 9, 2024

Current Events

Reminder that the election for IAMAW DL 171 President/Directing Business Representative and Business Representatives/Organizers, will be held this Thursday, March 14, 2024. The election will be held at LL 850 (S. Harvey) with polling hours from 630 AM until 5 PM. Please respect our elections, campaigning on union property is not allowed.

Last Friday members of the LL850 Human Rights Committee met with the leadership team from Upward Transitions. The goal was to identify specific volunteer opportunities where we may be able to help. Thank you Tamara Alana and Jason.